Kitty Williams Fisher


Kitty Williams Fisher is a freelance writer and photographer whose primary focus is on travel, an endeavor aided by her “day job” as an international school teacher. Over the past decade, Kitty has made her home in such far-ranging places as Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Suzhou, China; Bangalore, India; and (coming soon) Freeport, Grand Bahama. 

Prior to moving overseas, Kitty worked closely with the Tarahumara Indian runners in Mexico’s Copper Canyon, and also served as the Vice President for CRIZMAC Art & Cultural Education Materials, Inc., where she led educational tours and researched and wrote about folk art and artists around the world.

Kitty was married for a time to the late Richard D. Fisher, a renowned canyoneer and photographer, and together they have a daughter, Mariah Sierra, who is a model, influencer, and English teacher based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 



Books By Kitty Williams Fisher

Day of the Dead Folk Art
SKU: 978-1423634430

Recent Appearances/Events

Date Venue Address
Date: June 16, 2023
8:00am -
Venue: Yoga Tour of India Address:
Bangalore and Mysore, India
Notes: June 16-26, 2023 Experience the ancient practice of yoga where it all began—in scenically and culturally rich India. The term yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” meaning to join or unite, and you are invited to join Yoga East’s Sue Nessler and India-trained yoga instructor and guide, Kitty Fisher for this very special tour that combines unique opportunities to experience a variety of yoga traditions and styles with the sights and sounds of the incredible country of India. Discover all that yoga has to offer as you practice with renowned instructors, visit ancient temples, explore nature in India’s “Garden City” of Bangalore, and experience the royal heritage of Mysore. A once in a lifetime trip!