World Traveler, Yogi, Teacher, Photographer, Tour Guide...Author

Kitty Williams Fisher

Kitty Williams Fisher is a freelance writer and photographer whose primary focus is on travel, an endeavor aided by her “day job” as an international school teacher. Over the past decade, Kitty has made her home in such far-ranging places as Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Suzhou, China; Bangalore, India; and (coming soon) Freeport, Grand Bahama. 


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Road Scholar Blog

Road Scholar Blog
by Kitty Williams Fisher
"Not all those who wander are lost." -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Please visit my Road Scholar blog here for the latest posts about living and working overseas.

Articles in 'The Desert Leaf'

Articles in 'The Desert Leaf'
by Kitty Williams Fisher
Latest Article:

Chillin' in Harbin 
June 2022

Hub Pages Articles

Hub Pages Articles
by Kitty Williams Fisher

Latest Article:

Acquiring a Taste for India



Livin' Large

Livin' Large
by Kitty Williams Fisher
A Proven Recipe for a Happier, Healthier, and More En-lightened You!

Please watch for this new site on living your best and healthiest life coming soon!